Gmu assip 2021

Hey! Did you get any response from the biochemistry interviewers or environmental science ones?

Okay Thank you for lmk.

i got in for environmental science

when you did the interview, did you need a recommendation letter?

i didn’t need a LOR (i think it depends on the mentor whether they want one or not) and i interviewed sometime back, not sure about the date but it was like 2 weeks ago or something like that

Thank you so much!

I also have not gotten a response, I applied mainly biochem too

Okay so I think they must’ve been falling behind a little bc of the pandemic. I wouldnt see it as a bad sign.

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Did you not get a response after the interview or for the interview? lol - I have not gotten one about an interview.

yeah same I haven’t had an interview request yet

Anyone received any more emails regarding ASSIP acceptance/rejections or request for interviews? It has been complete silence.

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I received an interview request today (April 5) from a Geography/ Geoinformation science professor.

congrats! all the best for your interview :slight_smile:

Congratulations and all the best

Thank you both!

Has anyone gotten an interview request from neuroscience or bio professors? It’s making me nervous that it’s taking so long.

Same here! I haven’t heard anything about interviews or acceptances from them yet.

Anyone receive an interview call or a letter (offer/rejection) from CS professors (LaToza or Casey)? Haven’t heard anything at all.

Just a thought that got me a little nervous. Is it possible they might cancel the hands on research programs like biology and chemistry because of the pandemic?

it’s possible that they will cancel the programs that require you to be there 8 hrs a day/5 days a week, but most of them hopefully are still open and gmu is planning to do a hybrid or complete distance depending on pandemic rules and stuff.