<p>LOL- Oh how I love moushu pork! Yummy little pancakes and plum sauce! Mmmmmm. As to the picture perfect day...this will crack you up. Jamz wants me to send long underwear. He's freezing to death. HA! What will we do with him when it gets 15 degrees? It was 89 here today. Its usually 50 on Xmas day. That kid has some thin blood! !Torpedo! Thats way better than the one I had! HA! I looked at the USMMA catalog this morning. Hadn't seen it in a while and looked for information on NAPS/Foundation. I found nothing. I know they offer NAPS and a Foundation in NM. Its written in their material somewhere. Ya know how that is when you're trying to find something...It disappears off the face of the earth. Happened with a navy blue sock last week. Will have to dig deeper in my files. There was a page article on Foundation that I'd love to post here. I'll find it if it kills me! HA! HEY! I would love to be there when the leaves change! Are they showing much color yet?</p>
The leaves are not changing yet- but should start soon! We were up in the Bershires last week when we took the torpedo back to school and the trees were starting to turn up there- golds and some russets popping out- so no doubt it will start down here in a few weeks! Autumn on LI is absolutely beautiful! Can't imagine Christmas in the 50's....here we hope for some white stuff!</p>
<p>FYI: L.L.Bean has a special on silk long johns- they are great- our son already called and asked us to send his up....its cold up in them-there-hills.....also sent a wool hat and some gloves...and will ship his winter coat up this week...as for here on LI, after a picture-perfect day its back in the low 40's tonight- I'm resisting turning on the heat, but we did light a fire...thought it would be romantic ;) but my better half passed out immediately after dinner - must have been the MSG in the fried rice! :(</p>
<p>RE: prep at USMMA.... I remember sitting with the coach and again with the admissions people when our son applied, and I honestly cannot recall any mention of prep....we did hear about it at USNA at one of the info sessions (although the BGO later gave us a wealth of info)...and at the USMA we heard about their prep program from a lot of the cadets....there were tons of them that went through the prep program (that is where many told us they wish they had gone prep, as their buddies had an easier time academically)...it was also mentioned briefly at their information session.....odd that the academies, in general, don't offer more information, although I would have to speculate that they don't as it is not something a candidate can apply to....all the more reason to get the word out there.....good luck and I hope you find that material- it would be great to post here or, as you mentioned, starting a seperate prep thread! </p>
<p>by the way- did you see the post on the annapolis movie coming out? Rumors are they will be doing USMMA next! ;)</p>
<p>ps- the "torpedo" nickname has been with him since pee-wee soccer when the kids told him he ran faster than..... (and in large part as they could not say his last name, which is close)....and it's one that has stuck all through HS! Funny- it is not something he ever calls himself....but the kids at the prep school have already come up with the same thing! We call him lots of other things too, but nothing I can post here without sending chills up the moderators spines! ;)</p>
<p>The leaves are waiting for Plebe-Parent Weekend at West Point before changing colors. Didn't anyone read about it in the brochure? ;)</p>
<p>momoftwins: gotta love those cadets~ always aiming to please! Bet those leaves will be "perfect"...and you are right- it's in the fine print!</p>
<p>I have to laugh a little bit . . . sombody asked how it was that, during formal parades, the USNA was always lucky enough to have enough wind to fill out the sails on boats that were behind the parade field. It made for such a lovely picture with the mids in their formal marching uniforms and the blue/gold spinnakers billowing in the background.</p>
<p>A more knowledgeable person responded that injured mids and athletes were sometimes assigned to keep those sails full during parade; even if that meant starting the motors and running the boats in reverse.</p>
<p>Bill0510: not to be outdone by those cadets, the mids aim to please too! Have a great Navy day! :)</p>