Going from Gen Chem to Orgo

<p>I'm taking Orgo I this upcoming fall semester but I took Gen Chem first semester of last year. My school fits Gen Chem into one semester instead of offering two separate classes, so I feel like I haven't been exposed to chemistry in a while. Are there certain subjects taught in Gen Chem that I should focus on reviewing in order to do well in Orgo?</p>

<p>Hmm...I can't think of anything at the top of my head. Maybe review common acids/bases, and pKas? Overall I really didn't think o-chem was anything like gen-chem...</p>

<p>It is perfectly alright to go from a first Gen Chem, to a first Orgo. Some people may take their two semesters of Gen Chem before, but all you need is one.</p>

<p>The pre requirement for Orgo is just one basic Gen Chem.</p>

<p>There's almost no overlap b/w gen chem and organic chem. You should be alright.</p>