Going South

<p>I’m a rising high school senior from a suburb in the north. It would be cheaper for me to attend Bama then the flagship (or really any) public university at home. Is there a strong hostility towards Northerners down there still? I am into country music, dress like the kids down there and enjoy southern culture.</p>

<p>We are from the Midwest and DD’s roommate last fall was from the Northeast (with a thick jersey accent). Both girls were welcomed at Bama with open arms! My DD loves it there and is already planning not to come home next summer. She misses her southern boy and her sorority sisters :). If you read through these threads you will see a number of posters are OOS parents and kids and every one will tell that they have had nothing but positive experiences at Bama. We are so glad Dd is there! I would encourage you to visit if you haven’t already and experience the “southern hospitality” for your self :).</p>

<p>Well, being a Northern may not offend, but being into CW!!! That might.</p>

<p>Hi ACS494! My family may live in TN now, but we lived in NJ all our lives until we moved in 2003. Southern Hospitality is alive and well, and as long as you don’t walk around talking about how superior the North is, you will be welcome wherever you go. </p>

<p>If you look through the thread here, you’ll find that yours is a common question & there are plenty of us who will attest to the ease of fitting in in Tuscaloosa. I’d say take a look here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1096387-what-state-everybody-roll-call.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1096387-what-state-everybody-roll-call.html&lt;/a&gt; and here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1129431-chicago-girl-considering-southern-life.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1129431-chicago-girl-considering-southern-life.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi ACS
We are from the Chicagoland area and we had the very same concerns that you did. I brought my rising senior to see the school a couple of weeks ago and we were so impressed by how kind everyone was! Southern hospitality is real and very evident at Tuscaloosa. Alabama is now my daughters top choice! I highly recommend that you come down to visit if you can. If not, then take alook at the ipod tour online, it really does give a nice overview of the campus. Good Luck!</p>

<p>There is a possibility that you are more culturally Southern than many of the “Southern” students at UA. </p>

<p>For the record, the only person at UA who would jokingly refer to Northerners as Yankees was the late caretaker of the Gorgas House and that was only in terms of “the Yankees burnt down most of campus 5 days before the end of the War of Northern Aggression.” For the most part, people will be proud that you chose to attend their school from all the way in [your home state]. </p>

<p>In all sincerity, come down and visit campus. You’ll see why so many non-Southerners, myself included, call UA home. </p>

<p>Welcome to the UA forum and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>* Is there a strong hostility towards Northerners down there still?*</p>

<p>lol…oh dear…are there northerners that still believe that?</p>

<p>There is NO hostility at all. NONE. :)</p>

<p>As a matter of fact, Bama is about 47% out of state students. Bama has students from every state…INCLUDING the NE. I think one parent posted that 40 frosh are coming from Connecticut this fall. </p>

<p>You will be welcomed as if you’ve always lived here. </p>

<p>I’m from California, and we moved to Alabama when H’s job came here. You will find that people who live here are much more welcoming and friendly than what you’re probably used to. </p>

<p>Welcome to Bama!!</p>

<p>Now…tell us more about yourself…</p>

<p>intended major???</p>

<p>What state are you from?</p>

<p>4 students from my son’s top orange county h.s. chose Bama. Smart for them to hand out discounted tuition $$. I guess they hope to fork the family tree finally. lol</p>

<p>Keep your carpetbagging butt up there, yankee boy!!</p>

<p>Honestly though, if you don’t come off as a loud mouth, condescending jerk, that walks around acting like everything you’re used to up north is superior to their way in the south, you’ll get along just fine.</p>

<p>If a smartass yankee like me can fit in down there then I’m sure just about anyone can.</p>

<p>There really is only one thing you need to know. Hate auburn today, hate auburn tomorrow, and hate auburn forever!!</p>

<p>Hey NJBAMA, I.E. “the situation”-
There are many Orange counties in the U.S. This one is in southern california. Do You know which way north is? Just upset Rutgers and Princeton said no thanks? Why hate Auburn? I guess you are over the tornado already? No worries, Bama cheats at football as well, just not caught yet.</p>

<p>What does the tornado have to do with auburn? What does Princeton & Rutgers have to do with me going to UA? What does orange county wherever have to do with anything? </p>

<p>I hate auburn because of people just like you. You lurk on sites that have nothing to do with your pathetic cow college and then write cryptic posts that make not a damn bit of sense. </p>

<p>Orange is a color that prisoners wear when picking up trash on the side of the road. Fitting both auburn and Tennessee would wear the color. Several of your BOT members and big money boosters will be wearing that prison orange real soon.</p>

<p>You might wanna look into why your school was paying athletic hostesses thousands of dollars instead of worrying about Bama. Sports By Brooks has a nice article on that developing scandal as we speak.</p>

<p>BTW, do you know why auburn cheerleaders wear panties? </p>

<p>To keep their ankles warm.</p>

<p>4 students from my son’s top orange county h.s. chose Bama.</p>

<p>Really, which high school? You can PM me if you want.</p>

<p>lmao NJBama you have had some solid posts lately.</p>

<p>lol, ok reading back through the thread apparently popeyoung5 thought I was talking to him with my original post.</p>

<p>My comment about keeping his “carpetbagger butt up north” was made in jest and it was intended for the original poster in the thread. I never even saw your post about your sons HS popeyoung5 until just a few mins ago.</p>

<p>So anyway I guess you’re not a barner and I apologize for the confusion.</p>


<p>ahh…your son went to THS.</p>

<p>I grew up in the Midwest and moved to north alabama for grad school two years ago. Southern hospitality definitely did a number on me. I doubt I’ll be back north anytime soon.</p>

<p>Southern hospitality definitely did a number on me. I doubt I’ll be back north anytime soon.</p>

<p>Did you go to UA Huntsville? </p>

<p>Anyway…I know what you mean. The people are friendly any there’s just so much more space here. You don’t feel crowded on top on another. When you drive down I-65 towards B’ham, you see all these beautiful trees. When my parents were healthy enough to visit, they would always comment about how beautiful all the trees and space was.</p>

<p>DS and I toured University of Alabama and Ohio State University-a typical Midwestern University just a couple days apart. We spent a couple days at each.
Not a huge difference in how students acted, however DS and I noted;
-UA had less ‘fat chicks and slobs’
-UA students were noticeably better dressed, more ‘preppy’
-UA students maybe a little friendlier, staff much friendlier and seemed less bureaucratic
-UA seemed more like a ‘traditional’ University
-UA had a much higher level of maintenance, landscaping, trash pickup etc
-More school spirit-wear visible at UA, DS commented on how many OU students were wearing spirit-wear from universities that were NOT OU
-OU had many more international students, more racially integrated (mixed race couples etc)
-OU’s main campus was much more condensed, UA’s was spread out more.
-OU’s stadium showing lots of wear and tear, UA’s looked new and shinny.
-OU had a vastly nicer, larger rec/pool/sports center
-UA had better dorms
-OU has a shooting range, rifle pistol teams, UA does not</p>

<p>Bama knows that it has outgrown its Rec Center, so another one will be built on the north side of campus. The current one was complete in 2004 when there were less than 20,000 undergrads. Some people also use the smaller but less known weight center at the Aquatics Center. I wonder if that one will be expanded as well.</p>

<p>A North Campus Student Center, which will include a dining area, housing and residential community offices, and recreational center is to be built in the center of the North Campus Residential Community, according to documents. The center is expected to be approximately 75,000 gross square feet and will offer panoramic views of the Black Warrior River.</p>

<p>OSU has 39,000 undergrads so it would have much larger rec facilities. :)</p>

<p>acs494 Welcome to the U of A. My D attends UA and is about to begin her 3rd year.
We are from NE Ohio.</p>

<p>Its interesting that gojack compared his/her visit to The Ohio State University.
I think OSU has successfully marketed its self in the state.</p>

<p>What bothers me about OSU is that they (in my mind) have fake admission policies. They attract and admit the best and brightest from the state and around the nation. Offer very little scholarship help because all the kids have the same stats…To my knowledge only one student from our HS has recieved the Maximus in the last few years. And she had a perfect ACT score. Our valedictorian a few years ago recieved a $2000 scholarship.</p>

<p>And really that is not my contention w OSU. What I don’t like is that they then turn around and grant admission to around 4500 transfer students without the stellar stats. So those students who have to have a 2.0 to apply come to Columbus after their freshman year.</p>

<p>So high achieving students get little scholarship help and transfer students miss out on their freshman experience (which I think is important).</p>

<p>Again this is just my opinion. My Ds concern was the number of foreign speaking professors at entry level classes. That said our friends who do attend OSU love OSU!</p>

<p>But back to U of A. What attracted D to Bama? Well honestly I read threads here posted by momof3boyz, she is from central Ohio. After a honors event very late in her senior year (though she did have her appliciation and honors app in). She was more than impressed. She then finished her college visits at UNC Chapel Hill. And she said maybe I should consider U of A and bank that scholarship money for med school.</p>

<p>She was most impressed with the feeling that U of A wanted you to be successful. The professors we meet with talk about students that had found their “bliss” combining programs. They offered and have come through with research opportunities.</p>

<p>She loves the school spirit, feels safe on campus and in town. And has meet so nice many people, traveled home with many different students and traveled all over the south with friends, greeks and volunteer events!</p>

<p>She could not be happier with her decision. This summer she is in TTown doing 2 different research projects!</p>