Gonzaga University Fall of 2022 Waitlist

In the WL letter, Gonzaga U indicated that in 2021 it offered admission to 142 of the 487 students who accepted a spot on the WL (29%) and in 2020 it offered admission to 288 of the 385 who accepted a spot on the WL (84%). Even the lower number offered admission in 2021 is an unusually high number of admissions offers from the waitlist. I’m curious to hear what folks on CC think about this and whether it has any relevance at all to this year.

I would ignore the 2020 number–most schools accepted tons off the waitlist. But you’re right, even for 2021 they accepted a large proportion as well and I don’t know why this year would be any different. Did they offer any more info, like recommendation to send a LOCI or anything like that?

They provided an email address to send a LOCI. My daughter did that, and also sent an email to the admissions rep who visited her high school and who she spoke to again when she went to a preview day. So she has done all she can, I think. I’ve never heard of a school taking more than a couple handful of kids off a waitlist - and even that’s high from what I’ve seen/heard - but my experience is small and purely anecdotal and it’s a new world. We will see what happens.

Good luck! Is Gonzaga your D’s top choice?

It was, by a LOT! WL made her question it. She’ll likely choose between Whitman and Willamette for May 1 decision. She’s always liked both, but she is liking them more and more the more love they give her. Gonzaga has done the opposite and that has had a commensurate impact on her feelings about it. We will see what happens when:if she gets off the WL - if she’s ecstatic, she will know how she feels.


Follow-up - she got off the WL at Gonzaga (with merit $$!!) within 2 days of loving Whitman admitted students day and deciding to commit there. But, after lots of analysis of pros/cons and discussions with us and her college counselor all the reasons Gonzaga was her favorite from the get-go - more pre-professional focus than straight LAC, bigger than Whitman (but not big),school spirit that comes from having nationally known basketball teams - outweighed how much she loved Walla Walla and the friends she made on admitted students day at Whitman. She accepted Gonzaga . Go Zags!

Congratulations! Lots to love about Gonzaga even though my D decided it wasn’t for her.

Congrats to your DD! I remember thinking (a couple of months ago) that she’d get in and have a tough time deciding!

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