Good 4-years Colleges for Pre-med?

<p>Hello everybody!
I'm Kalieta and i am international student at Navarro College in Texas(which is a 2-year college). Next semester it will be my last semester here so i'm actually looking for some advices for good 4-years colleges where i can get my Bachelor in order to get into a really good Medical School.
Actually i have a 3.5 GPA and i wanna transfer in a good university- not expensive though, and which will allow me a good scholarship (if my GPA gets better)- so i just have to pay a part of my tuitions and fees. Because i don't wanna start taking loans now as Medical school will be very expensive.
Anyways, if you have ideas of good institutions (everywhere in US) thanks to let me know.
And it would be nice of you to tell me what are the expectations...</p>

<p>SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Binghamton and Muhlenberg. Good luck!</p>

<p>Just play to different UT schools</p>

<p>UT schools? </p>

<p>Poi> Thanks ^^</p>

<p>Does anybody have other suggestions?</p>

<p>UT = University of Texas</p>

<p>rice has a very good pre-med program</p>

<p>rice might be too expensive...</p>

<p>Do you guys think Stony Brook is a good school for pre-med? To kalieta: it seems to have rolling admission without a firm deadline, but deadline for most merit scholarships wa Dec.1 as far as I know.</p>

<p>Hi Citymom, the reason I mentioned Stony Brook is because I know of 2 kids (one who applied there last year and one this year) who both told me that it was good for premed and science related majors. The kid from last year ended up at Michigan and the one from this year is waiting to hear. The kid from this year also told me that Muhlenberg was good in that area also (he applied there too). I hope this helps.</p>

<p>stony brook is good for science and medical stuff....i looked there for pre dental. i've heard mixed reviews about the school itself though....seems as if students are unhappy and when i went to visit that's kind of what i thought</p>

<p>so no Stony Brook? for UT i will look noobcake. do you know if TA&M has a good pre-med program?</p>

<p>what do you think about Trinity University and St. Mary's University in Texas?</p>

<p>No need to go to some no name private university; stick to UT-Austin and A&M if you want a nationally recognized college.</p>

<p>If you got into community college because of low test/low high school performance, perhaps it is time to forget about medical school.
If you got into community because of other reasons, not limited to family, financial, etc, go ahead and chase for your dreams.</p>

Well i got into a community college because pple to who i talked told me to do like that...i didn't know.
But thanks for your advise, i will apply to UT-Austin and A&M ^^</p>