<p>over the summer i want to read good books that will prepare me well for the critical reading section(i got 800m, 600v, 720w)</p>
<p>does anyone have any recommendations for what books to read ... i like books like harry potter lol ... but unfortunately i guess thats not very beneficial to read</p>
<p>Catch-22 by Heller, The Awakening by Chopin (initially a tough read, but keep up with it), some of Thoreau's essays, and, for a curve ball, Adios Strunk and White by the Hoffmans. The last book is actually a book on writing, but I've found that it's greatly improved my reading. It provides you with some untraditional (depending on how varied your reading is) grammar choice and writing styles and provides pages of examples for each technique from literature... essays, novels, journals. The book is great, both for improving your writing and improving your reading. I haven't actually finished the book (I'm about half way through—I'm planning to finish it during the first week of summer) but it's actually a fairly quick read.</p>