Good colleges for international students

Could anybody recommend some good colleges for international students (preferably, business school with some kind of financial aid)?
A gentlemen from the forum advised me to write additional information about myself, so here it is:
I have excellent marks in my school, so if I understand correctly, my GPA is 4.0;
I haven’t taken TOEFL yet, but in the last time when I took IELTS (2 month ago), in a strange way, I took 9 out of 9;
I haven’t taken SAT yet, but soon I’m going to the preparation course, so I hope that I will have a good score.
You are able to find some personal information about myself below (I don’t know if it’s an important information, but in any case, I decided that it might be helpful for your recommendations to me).

  1. I have written some scientific works in my country (among the schools) and even have taken the first place a couple of times.
  2. I’ve finished musical school.
  3. I have some certificates (they are mostly local, but I have one international certificate).
    There is also one important fact: my family isn’t the poorest one, but because of the crisis in my country, it is pretty unlikely that we could afford something more expensive than 15 000$ per year for tuition (and the same amount for accommodation), so some kind of financial aid would be a really great idea.
    Thank you in advance.