"Good" examples for the SAT essay....? score a 12..

<p>So what are your tips for a perfect 12 on the SAT essay? Any great examples?</p>

<p>I just have to say...that i got a 12 on total idiocy, and a classmate got a 8 on what he thought was solid work, and we are about the same level of writers...so it seems there is no perfect way...i think good examples are the key tho...my personal opinion</p>

<p>A general tip I've heard is the longer you write, the higher your score is.</p>

<p>It can't help you if your essay is a long mess of rambling run-ons and such, but if you've got relatively good work, then it might boost your score a bit.</p>

<p>Tips that i got from taking testmasters for getting a 12
1. Essay must be legible
2. Try and stick with a 5 paragraph essay.
3. Write two full pages.
4. Use good, specific examples from books you have read, history, current events, etc.
5. And obviously, you need to use proper grammar, good punctuation, blah blah blah...</p>

<p>I wrote only 4 paragraphs in one and a half pages and got a 12...</p>

<p>legibility is huge, practice that.
going against the current helps make your essay stand out; ie. if you get something like
"Should people be influenced by other's views"</p>

<p>most people will write about no, and talk about individualism, but instead you could play devil's advocate and write about how conformity is more important in order for society to function.</p>

<p>at least thats what i did. it worked, apparently.</p>

<p>@Hi Xe<em>LN</em>AG_A.can you please tell me where you got your examples from and how to play devils advocate because the collegeboard says that if you do decide not to support or oppose the prompt you get a score of zero.thanks.</p>