<p>Greetings. My name is Andrew, currently residing in SF suburbs, CA. would like to know what you guys think of my list.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.7 UW (3.8 W) [UC GPA: 3.9]
Rank: 4/264
Test Scores: SAT - 480 CR / 540 W / 590 M (1610/2400, not retaking); ACT - 25 (retaking in Oct ~28/36); SAT II - 600 MathII, 540 Physics, 520 US History</p>
Student Council - Class VP (9) and Pres (10), ASB Sec. (11) and Pres (12)
Swimming - 10-12 (Captain 11 and 12)
Dance (Mission Fusion) - 11,12
GSA - 11,12
Yearbook - 12 (Editor in Chief)
GATE - 10-12
California Scholarship Federation - 10-12</p>
<p>Work Exp:
Marketing Assis. Intern - 6 months during 10th grade
Currently a Private Tutor - lasts til I graduate</p>
Nothing major, just here and there, usually 1 day each volunteer on what I can do that I really like.</p>
<p>Summer Programs:
Berkeley's ATDP - summer of 10th
BU's Summer Challenge 3 - summer of 11th</p>
Lewis & Clark</p>
U of Pacific (CA)
Linfield College
UCSC (ELC status)</p>
Holy Names
CSU East Bay
Sonoma State</p>
<p>Look's good? If you have other suggestions, let me know. thank you</p>
<p>I'd suggest you look at some of these (tests required):</p>
<p>Earlham College
DePauw University
University of Puget Sound
Gonzaga University
<p>I STRONGLY recommend looking at a few of these (those that DON'T require test scores):</p>
Hobart & William Smith
Drew University
Franklin & Marshall
Holy Cross
Wheaton (MA)</p>
<p>Thank you guys for the additional suggestions. I would surely look at those colleges. If you guys are wondering, I am excited to pursue kinesiology/sports medicine/sports science in college! So yeah, I was looking at that major as one of the criterias. Thank You</p>
<p>I was never ever good on timed setting. I'm really frustrated that I couldn't test in a timed setting. Sometimes I get anxieties and sweat out. But since I had to do this, I guess I'll deal with it. I talked to my counselors about my scores and advice me that I should take practice SAT tests to get comfortable with it. Even that I couldn't have high scores: practice tests ranges from 1490 - 1720. Tried doing the ACT practice tests, and I couldn't believe I could get high 20s, low 30s without timing myself. My mom is worried about me not testing well when timed, so I'm really trying to boost it up by studying. So far, school timed tests is starting to take a toll on me.</p>
<p>On the bright side, I really appreciate the suggestions. This is helping me out. If anyone has anymore comments, feel free to post it. Thank you.</p>
<p>Replying to continue this thread. Bump. I'm also worried at the financial aid I'm going to get, so I'm really picky with colleges that might give me merit aid as well as need based, if I could target my ACT score to 28.</p>
<p>Retake the SAT's in November. Study, and try to get at least 1 score into the 600's. Then, you might be able to get into some of the schools you've mentioned, or if you desire, UC Davis...though it would still be a reach.</p>