Good match schools?

<p>I posted this similar post like 3 times. I this the place I should have posted it in the first place. LOL. I want to look for some match schools. What should I consider? I really do not know.</p>

<p>Lolol, I am a truly mediocre student.</p>

<p>I plan to major in philosophy.</p>

<p>Female, Asian, California
First generation to go to college</p>



<p>Class Rank: 93/700~
GPA: 3.65 W?</p>

<p>ACT: 27 [the only test score I will be sending to colleges]
SAT: 1780 superscore (650M/530CR)
SAT II: Math II - 580, World History - 510, Chinese - 750</p>

<p>Senior Classes: All regular classes... my school dropped my ONLY AP class. -_-.</p>

<p>Reccomendation:I didn't have a chance to see them, but I'd like to assume that they're good.
Essay: English teacher said it was excellent, but I, personally, do not think it was all that great.</p>

AP Environmental Science
AP Statistics
AP Psychology
AP European History</p>

FBLA - 3 years - current VP
Community service club - 3 years - ex-VP, current president
Environmental club - 3 years - treasurer for 2 terms
Newspaper - soph/jr year - look for people to support newspaper by buying ads, etc.
California Scholarship Federation - 4 years</p>

<p>500+ community service hours</p>

Working at a yogurt shop ~8 hrs/week
Tutoring kids ~ 2.5 hrs/wk</p>

<p>I realize that my test scores really hurt me. .__.</p>

<p>What are you looking for in a school? I would really do a collegeboard search. I know it’s really broad, but it will definitely narrow down that list of 3000 schools to a hundred or so.</p>

<p>I’m not very picky. ;p</p>

<p>less than 20k people
a somewhat renowned college even though I have a poor GPA and test scores…
good location… not in the ghetto or anything. (preferably not in the middle of no where)
good financial aid</p>

<p>UC Irvine, UC Davis ??
or maybe state u of CA at san diego (i dont remember what it’s called )</p>

<p>Even though it may be larger than your 20k, definitely apply to your LOCAL CSU. (My college advisor, who works for a CSU, is saying a lot are limiting applicants to their area, but only San Jose has said this so far. It’s bad for a lot of people, but it’s also good for you since the applicant pool is smaller.)</p>

<p>Try some schools in Oregon, a lot give merit aid. Willamette, Lewis & Clark. In CA: University of the Pacific, some Claremont colleges like Pitzer and Scripps. Mills is in Oakland, but a nice part of Oakland. They nearly gave my friend a full ride and she got like an 1800 on her SAT score. Gonzaga in Washington is also good. Santa Clara University also gives pretty good financial aid to low-income families. Also, UCs and CSUs have the Regents scholarship.</p>

<p>Adding to that (too late to edit), I just remembered this girl in my class last year saying Bennington in Vermont gives good financial aid.</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions!</p>

<p>I applied for CSUs towards the end of October. I’ve been accepted into CSU Fullerton, Northridge, and East Bay. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I heard about the CSU thing you were talking about. I think the cut thing will probably hit students with GPAs below 3.0 the hardest… Some CSUs will stop accepting applications earlier than before as well.</p>

<p>I early decision to BU, but I want to look for other schools incase I am not accepted. :&lt;/p>

<p>I have NYU, Occidental, Pepperdine, UCI, UCLA, UC Davis, and UC Berkeley on my list. I need to find more though.</p>

<p>You already have safeties! Because of this, I think you can just go for it and apply to schools you really like without paying heed to if they won’t accept you because of your scores. And top tier schools have amazing financial aid.</p>

<p>Good luck with BU!</p>