Good midwest schools for admits to medical school

<p>LACs are preferable, but also curious about Ohio State and Case Western. Also New College of Florida. Thank you.</p>

<p>Oberlin and Grinnel</p>

<p>Hope College.</p>

<p>Top medical schools in the area of the mid-west, are usually known as…</p>

<p>University of Michigan- Ann Arbor
Michigan State University</p>

<p>University of Michigan- Ann Arbor medical school is known to be more prestige, but Michigan State University isn’t that far behind.</p>

<p>I’m at Case Western- happy to answer any questions you might have.</p>

<p>I see that Hope college is considered a Christian school. How comfortable are students who are not devout Christians?</p>

<p>St Olaf is great for premed.</p>

<p>There are many great schools for premed in the midwest; it’s all about what school YOU can personally fit in and do well at.</p>

<p>for lacs look into knox, st olaf, kenyon, grinnell, oberlin, and macalester-- they are probably the best for premed. i personally know that 90%+ of kenyon’s grads get into med school with a gpa of 3.25 or higher</p>

<p>Beloit college sends alot of grads to medical school. Just a midwest LAC in Wisconsin.</p>

<p>Beloit is on the list, thanks!</p>

<p>Any one know about Wooster’s record for medical school acceptance?</p>

<p>Kalamazoo certainly comes to mind, and one could hardly go wrong with Carleton.</p>

<p>I’m not familiar with its premed production, but Wooster does rather well in getting students into graduate school. As a plus, it’s fairly generous with merit aid.</p>

<p>Here’s a list of Midwestern LAC’s recommended for Pre-Med according to Ruggs Recommendations on Colleges…Hope this helps:</p>

<p>Carleton, DePauw, Grinnell, Illinois Wesleyan, Kalamazoo, Knox, LAWRENCE, Macalester, St Olaf, Wabash, Wheaton, Alma, CARROLL, Cornell (IA), Earlham (IN)., Evansville, Franklin, Hamline, Hope, Lake Forest, U of Minnesota-Morris, Monmouth, RIPON, St John’s (MN)</p>