Good News?

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>My sibling received a call today asking whether or not she would be willing to switch from CAS to the Agricultural school. The person whom she was speaking to stated that he thoroughly enjoyed reading her application. My sister immediately stated that she was willing to switch. Is this indicative of an acceptance? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>yes .</p>

<p>Let’s just say that I would love to get that call.</p>

<p>did your sibling list CALS as his 2nd choice?</p>

<p>Did your sister choose CALS as her alternate school or no?</p>

<p>Maybe not an acceptance, but it does mean the Cornell gods are smiling upon her. It could also mean they are putting her into the ag school and giving her a GT.</p>

<p>I would interpret it this way: 1) CAS readers loved her app, but don’t have room; 3) intended major fits with CALS’ mission; 4) send to CALS to see if they occur about the app and if they have room.</p>

<p>^^ AGREED! And it makes perfect sense because CALS is rolling admissions, so they would need to know immediately so they could send out decision.</p>

<p>I’m so envious, good luck OP!</p>

<p>Last yeah, many of the rolling admissions were sent out. I wonder why nobody has posted yet, or if they just weren’t sent out yet.</p>

<p>This is pretty sweet. Congrats to the OP’s sister.</p>