good places to run

<p>On a day as lovely as today (72° and slightly cloudy), Pottruck just doesn't cut it for me. Plus I just generally hate treadmills. What are some good outdoor paths on/near the Penn campus?</p>

<p>How far do you want to run? Probably the most popular running route in Philadelphia is to start at the Art Museum and run up the east side of the Schuylkill on the paths along Kelly Drive past Boathouse Row to Falls Bridge, and then back down the west side on MLK Drive. That’s about 7 miles. Running to the Art Museum from Penn and back would make it 9-10. (Either cross the river on Chestnut, and take the ramp down to the river path just on the east side of the Chestnut St. Bridge, or go up through Drexel to Spring Garden St. and take that across the river to the Art Museum.)</p>

<p>Another thing to do if you want to run a lot less is to pick your way southwest through the campus to 40th & Baltimore, then along Baltimore (or Chester, or Woodland) to 43rd, where you hit Clark Park. And run around that as many times as you want.</p>

<p>I’m sure others have better routes to offer.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, the weather isn’t nice anymore.</p>

<p>kelly drive is amazing. it’s by far the best and most beautiful place to run in philly.</p>