Good Pre-Med Schools

<p>can sum1 help me decide between cornell and upenn for pre med?</p>

<p>Read post #454 on [this</a> page](<a href=“]this”></p>

<p>The Class of 2013 at FSU med looks like this:</p>

<p>UF: 36/120 students
FSU: 35/120

FAU: 6/120
U Miami: 6/120
UCF: 6/120

UWF: 4/120

USF: 3/120

SMU: 2/120

Auburn: 1/120
College of Charleston: 1/120
Eckerd College: 1/120
FAMU: 1/120
FIU: 1/120
FL Mem: 1/120
Haverford: 1/120
Johns Hopkins: 1/120
NCF: 1/120
Palm Beach Atlantic: 1/120
Pensacola Christian: 1/120
Penn State: 1/120
Spellman: 1/120
Springhill Coll: 1/120
UGA: 1/120
U South Carolina: 1/120
U Penn: 1/120
U of the South: 1/120
U Tampa: 1/120
Wake Forest: 1/120
Xavier: 1/120
Unclass: 1/120&lt;/p&gt;

&lt;p&gt;In Florida, at FSU Med at least for this period, your best chances seem to come from FSU and UF for undergraduate work.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^I’m not sure if that’s for your best chance, or if FSU med school heavily attracts Florida residents. Do they have a break down of what states the students were residents of?</p>

<p>FSU Med and likely all state med schools in FL recruit state residents heavily. MY D1 just entered FSU Med and her tuition is about $18K for a resident while a non-resident would be $50+K.</p>

<p>Well, that’s going to be a function of selection bias as well as very large student populations. Still, the dramatic difference probably overwhelms those effects.</p>

<p>i just wanted to comment on how ridiculous this hopkins cut throat myths are. CAN ANY OF YOU GIVE EXAMPLES OF HOPKINS CUT THROAT ATMOSPHERE?
didn’t think so. people here are just as collaborative as others at anyother school…infact we may be more collaborative and you can tell by sampling any study area on campus. people study in groups and you will often see random students trying to help teach topics to others in libraries and classrooms across campus a couple nights before exams. </p>

<p>seeing all these post by high schoolers or w/e talking about hopkins as if they’ve ever been on campus or taken a class here… really disturbs me. the same stupid cut throat crap comes up every year with prospective students on forums like these and no one ever offers any proof. all silly internet or high school gossip. as i said in another post, our retention rates are as high (96.5%) as any other school. if it really was cut throat people would be transfering out like mad.</p>

<p>the pre med committee does not “weed”; if they dont think you will be competitive they work with you to do whats necessary to become competitive. if you want them to sing praises about you when you are not competitive for med school (like 2.8 gpa and no substantial ECs), keep dreaming. you will get a luke warm rec letter (likely because your individual rec letters from your profs would stink… you dont write glowing letters for C+ students usually). this is standard at any school with a committee, unless the committee lies on your behalf … which i doubt. </p>

<p>the courses do not weed. obviously, there will be “premeds” who DONT get good grades end up dropping… this happens everywhere and hopkins does not actively weed out.</p>

<p>dr. verrier and the pre health committee is/are one of the best and hardest working committees in the nation. they obviously want everyone to do well. they meet with premeds and do a presentation for freshmen sophomores and juniors about premed and application etc( i cant remember if they did it for seniors). there is a fair on campus every spring where tons of med schools (+ some dental and pharm and DO and podiatry and chiropractors and vet, etc.) come and try to convince us to apply, tell us about their research programs, etc.). there is a online interview feedback forum just for hopkins students (password protected) with threads for specific schools, the pre prof website has tons of great advice and resources for curious premeds. school admissions reps from places ranking from small state schools like njms or med college of s. carolina or something to top schools like michigan, duke, penn, cornell, mt. sinai, hopkins (obviously) are on campus seemingly bimonthly giving presentations and Q + A sessions or even offer private “intimate” meetings to the first X students who reply to the email listserve invites. also the med listserve always has links to great articles to read and keeps you abreast with schools that are coming to visit or other pre health stuff happening on campus.</p>

<p>dr. Verrier is a huge help. he is always filled with advice and KNOWS what it takes to get into medical school and truly wants to get as many people in as possible.</p>

<p>the average sgpa for hopkins accepted to med is about 3.48 or so btw. the courses here are tough, and med schools recognize that and adjust accordingly. </p>

<p>here are some more cool resources: </p>

<p>we have tons of research available across the ugrad, the hospital/med school, bayview campus, and sinai. hopkins med is HUGE. anyone can apply for research grants (PURA) if they want a special project or even apply for the woodrow wilson fellowship as an incoming frosh ($10,000) or after your freshman year ($7,500) to do ANY type of research. we also have med tutorials you can sign up for and take for credit. some are research opps (basic science, clinical, patient outcomes, etc.), some are clinical shadowing (like shadowing a world-renowned neuro, cardio-thoracic, or transplant surgeon for a semester or round with some internal medicine docs for a few weeks during intercession), etc. and of course, if you really want a taste of med school there are professors in the science departments that either have taught or still teach at the medical school. an example would be the nervous system I + II, which is taught by professor hendry. he taught the same exact course for the med school and uses the same materials (huge info packets instead of text books) to help us learn. yep, its a badass course because it is taught as if you were a med student. also, he is an amazing prof… one of the best at hopkins for sure.</p>

<p>AHH… feels good to let that one off my chest. </p>


<p>Hey sry to tag on my own question to this but i am also looking for a good pre med school to go to and i got a 30 on my act, have a decent amount of EC’s, and i’m helping out with this research project at University of IL Chicago which involves me doing behavioral experiments with mice and stuff (which i hope will kind of make me stick out) but otherwise besides that there’s not too much. But i want to hear about other schools besides Harvard, Yale, Northwestern, MIT, Duke other ivies etc! lol just b/c i feel like they are so out of my reach. i was thinking of U of I champagne b/c it’s cheap (i live in IL), and it’s a pretty good school, but the negatives are: It doesn’t have a hospital nearby to do interning and i don’t think their research dept is all that great either but i’m just guessing. Also i’m thinking about U of Madison Wisconsin but i would have to pay out of state fees and i don’t know if it’s worth it b/c it’s ranked 35 and U of I is 40. Also i’m thinking of UIC if i get into the GPPA program but i feel like that may be a reach as well, however I already know one of the professors through my research that i mentioned earlier. (btw Am i allowed to ask him for a Rec? or is that too much to ask? would colleges even accept it? lol) Any other good but not out of my league schools? also i’m still confused about the whole controversy of whether it’s better to go to an easier school like UofI and do well there than go to a very well known school where you won’t come out on top (which however may have a better premed counseling program and more research opps, and just better prep for mcats) thanks!</p>

<p>like the above poster, does any know of some less-selective, good schools for the pre-med track, say…if one were to major in psychology? :)</p>

<p>haha thank you (TheyCallMeCC)! finally someone who isn’t bent set on going to harvard!!</p>

<p>U of Michigan, Ohio State, Case Western, U of Chicago, Tufts, Boston U, UCLA, Rice University, Vanderbuilt, Emory, U of Virginia, U of Mass, U of Pitt, any big state school.</p>

<p>All great because:</p>

<p>They are affiliated with medical schools.
They have strong traditions of pre-med students. Thus, advising might be decent.
They are all big research junkies.
They are in areas with a lot of community service options, diverse students bodies, etc.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of Vanderbuilt</p>

<p>It’s a very, very good school with a top medical school to boot.</p>


<p>babydragon was trying to make a funny on your spelling.</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s why I always just say vandy,</p>

<p>what about Carnegie Mellon University pre-med?</p>

<p>An absolutely fine choice. Lots of relationshis with Pitt. I believe the MD/PhD program is partially through them. I can’t remember.</p>

<p>Have you guys heard of DePaul University? How is it’s Pre-med program?</p>

<p>Hmmmm, what about MIT? Do people there for pre-med or is it just too difficult?</p>

<p>I’m thinking of UPENN ED, and then Johns Hopkins, University of Michigan, and if all else fails Drexel. How does that sound???</p>