Good safety schools for econ/finance?

<p>I plan on majoring in either econ, finance, or accounting, depending on what the school offers. My SAT score is a 2170. Are there any SAFETY schools for me, preferably on the east coast, that have strong econ/finance departments and have a history of landing students finance-related jobs after graduation?</p>

<p>[Big</a> Execs on Campus](<a href=“Bloomberg - Are you a robot?”>Bloomberg - Are you a robot?)</p>

<p>Old article, but maybe can give you some ideas.</p>

<p>If you’re talking about high finance job like investment banking, I don’t think that there are any schools that can be considered safeties for anyone from which those firms recruit.</p>

<p>Are there any SAFETY schools for me,</p>

<p>Safety schools often don’t give very good need-based aid. Some do give good merit scholarships for high stats.</p>

<p>What is your budget? Will your parents pay for wherever you go?</p>

<p>What is your intended career with finance/econ?</p>

<p>What else do you want in a school?</p>