good SATs, bad ECs- chances?

<p>SATs:Math: 800 Reading:790 Writing:780
SAT 2: Math 2:690 US history:770 Literature:700
GPA:3.99 rank: 14/445
APs: 5s on US hist, Euro, Bio, Enviro, Calc BC, US gov, English lit
IB diploma candidate</p>

<p>I had to really scrape the bottom of the barrel for ECs:</p>

<p>Spanish club Sec
Operation Smile fundraising chair (I organized a branch where we made stuffed animals and sold them)
School Literary magazine staff
Performed in 2002 Olympic opening ceremonies(not as impressive as it sounds,since they recruited every kid in the valley)
Cross-country team:10th grade
won school art show, invited to district art show </p>

50+ hours at humane society
bagged groceries over the summer (that should cinch it)</p>

<p>solid essay, don't know how to judge recs...</p>

<p>'hooks': FOB immigrant (alas, I'm asian....)
bilingual (mandarin, english, with some third-year spanish on the side)
I sent in both a visual arts supplement and a music supplement, although the music one may actually end up hurting me cuz I'm in NO way a musical genius.</p>

<p>could anyone chance me for these schools?</p>

<p>Yale (one of my top choices but I FAILED the interview)
Brown (other top choice)
U of Chicago

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I’d say you have very good chances at all of these schools, however your top choices are very, very competitive and therefore incredibly difficult for anyone to get into. But good luck, you have a very impressive transcript! :)</p>

<p>You really set the bar high for the schools you’re applying to. Although I think you’ll get into a few, I would definitely have a safety school just in case. Your ECs aren’t as poor as you make them out to be, and your SATs are stellar. Good Luck!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Same as what the others said…</p>

<p>I hope you applied to some safeties because the only school you might get into is washu. Those are some very selective colleges and with your mediocre EC’s and your ORM status, I don’t think you have a very good chance.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m applying to the local U,where I’d be getting a full-ride scholarship.
With my financial background, there’s really nowhere else I can go as a safety school.
Thanks for the feedback, guys!</p>

<p>And yes, I know these schools are ultra-competitive but they’re the only ones that my parents are willing to pay for…</p>

<p>How strong is your visual art? You don’t seem to be too bad off, although as everyone has said, the school that you applied to are super competitive. I know a lot of very qualified students who have been rejected from many of them.</p>

<p>i cant guarantee yale brown cornell or penn, but the others you have a great chance at because of the 2370 and all of the 5s on APs. For yale and those, if you make yourself shine really really well in the essay, you have as good a chance as anyone </p>

<p>chance me back at
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think my visual arts supplement is strong enough to set me apart (it’s more impressive than my other EC stats) but I don’t know how much these supplements actually influence the decision process.</p>