good statistics colleges?

<p>Hi, I'm looking for a good college that offers statistics, considering Yale as a reach but I need some matches/safeties.. I live in Maine, don't have many stats yet but will probably be qualified for Ivies by the time I get there (who knows about getting in though..) ... need alternatives besides Yale but haven't done much research, anyone have suggestions?
Looking for a Top 25-50 college but don't even know what those are besides the Ivies, Stanford, MIT, the obvious ones.

<p>Here are some schools I recommend highly (all of them are ranked among the top 25 nationally, but not including H,Y,P,S and M):</p>

<p>Brown University
Carnegie Mellon University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Johns Hopkins University
Northwestern University
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Los Angeles
University of Chicago
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
University of Pennsylvania
University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>

<p>Other good stats departments (top 50 nationally):
Pennsylvania State University-University Park
Purdue University-West Lafayette
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
University of Rochester
University of Washington</p>

<p>In addition, there are many LACs that are also strong in Stats but you will have to research those on your own.</p>

<p>Gourman ranking for undergraduate statistics</p>

<p>UC Berkeley
U Wisconsin Madison
Purdue W Lafayette
Iowa St
U Chicago
U Minnesota
U Illinois UC
Virginia Tech
U Rochester
U Iowa
NC State
Rutgers NB
UC Santa Barbara
U Michigan Ann Arbor
U Penn
UC Davis
Fla St
Mich St
Ohio State

<p>Here's the webpage for Statistics at Florida State: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>