<p>A = 6 billion 660 million
B = 1 billion 800 million</p>
<p>I just thought that it was noteworthy.</p>
<p>A = 6 billion 660 million
B = 1 billion 800 million</p>
<p>I just thought that it was noteworthy.</p>
<p>Well, A is a word by itself. It's also a vowel. So that would explain its popularity.</p>
<p>Try to find the single character that you can search that returns the most Google results. I think it's 1, which returns about 20 billion results. Then again, I haven't tested everything...</p>
<p>I'm still going to try "I" and "z"...don't know why really.</p>
<p>I sense a science project in the works...</p>
<p>I sense...BUTTSECKS</p>
<p>1 gives 10 billion results
I gives 4 billion
z gives 1 billion results
you're welcome!</p>
<p>harvard 76,000,000
Brown 320,000,000</p>
<p>yale 23,700,000</p>
<p>^ and if you -color from the Brown search you get something significatnyl less than 320,000, it's more comparable to the harvard/yale number</p>
<p>...and Berkeley is 111,000,000.</p>
<p>Princeton 37,200,000</p>
<p>Stanford is 109,000,000. But I imagine that Stanford and especially Berkeley get a lot hits because they're city names too...</p>
<p>This is how USNews should rank colleges. By how many hits their name turns up on Google. A much better method than their current one.</p>
<p>...BTW Googling Google turns up 71,300,000.</p>
<p>googling "college confidential" gives only 10,900,000. I find that quite shocking.
But googling "College Board" gives 270,000,000 results. why?</p>
<p>^^ what time is it in egypt right now?</p>
<p>1 PM. Why?</p>
<p>wondering. we are exactly 12 hours apart.</p>
<p>well, you're on one side of the globe; and I'm on the other. Sounds logical to me.</p>