Got a D before transfer

Hi, I got admitted from UCSC as a transfer student for Fall 2023. The problem is that I have a “D” for my final grade in the spring semester. The class I got D is a history class and is not one of my major class. What I know is that in UCSC admissions says “Even if you notify the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, your admission is subject to immediate cancellation.” So I want to know if I notify them, will they cancel my admission? Or maybe I have to make a phone call and ask them?

What does your terms of admission state? I would notify them ASAP and see if you can retake the class during the summer so you could maintain your acceptance.

Better to find out your options now so you can make sure you have a backup plan.

Best of luck and please repost after talking to admissions.

You could search google for: UCSC transfer student admission requirements. Click the TAG: Transfer admission guarantee. Please click in and you’ll see “UCSC TAG Eligibility”.
I don’t think they may let me to tetake the class on summer.

If you do not meet the requirements then UCSC can rescind your acceptance. You will not know about the retake unless you call and ask. Either way you need to find out if you need a backup plan.