got a few questions for the veterans here.

<p>hi guys, new to College Confidential so go easy, thanks!</p>

<p>i got two questions but first abit about me to understand my situation. im an asian male from a SouthEast Asian Country. I am currently finishing my 2 year military conscription and also applying to college in 2012. i took IGCSE for the 9th to 10th grade and went on to take and get a full IB diploma in the 11th and 12th grade. there is only one uni that i am applying that requires me to do CommonApp so i have a few questions.</p>

<p>1) How do I list my grades and my IGCSE in CommonApp? do i have to upload documents or are they boxes to fill in?</p>

<p>2) How do I provide my evidence (certs and stuff) of my Military Service into the system? wouldn't they want to know what I did in between the 2 years i was out of school?</p>

<p>Thanks for reading!</p>

<p>anyone that can answer my questions would be helpful! thanks!</p>

<p>up! please respond guuys :(</p>

<p>Look for veterans services at campuses you’re interested in. They can be enormously helpful with particular situations.</p>


I am not so sure about this, but at the end of the common app there is a place for additional information, so you can just attach a word document with all your grades.</p>


I don’t think you have to provide evidence. Just state what you did, and if you need to provide more info do that in thte additional info question.
Have you signed up for the common app. If you haven’t signed up, then once you do it should feel a little less confusing.</p>