I’m an Indian student from Saudi Arabia. I got accepted at the UMN and I have accepted my offer there. But I’ve heard that weather is pretty cold there most time of the year and it’s covered with snow most of the time and you can’t roam outside much often. Is it really so cold over there and how difficult is it to adjust to the weather?
Yes, it can get really cold in Minnesota. People dress warmly. You will be outside quite a bit although some parts of campus are connected by skyways and through basement walkways.
And I’ve heard that Saudi Arabia is always scorching hot, you can never go outside without burning, sandstorms ravage the area most time of the year… Are you going to believe everything that people tell you?
We have lots of Indian, Pakistani and Arab/Emirati students on campus who somehow managed not to freeze to death while they’re here.
Yes, it can get cold- and some days REALLY cold… but we have Spring, Summer and Fall too.
Bring along a sense of adventure or at least a sense of humor, buy your winter clothes here (you won’t find a jacket warm enough there), and you’ll do just fine. Welcome to Minnesota!
Like @khidhala said, we have the full range of seasons here and, while it can be bitterly cold in the winter, it can be also be brutally hot in the summer. To combat the cold winters, there is a great maze of underground tunnels at the U that can get you to a lot of the buildings without having to venture outside. But with the right clothes, you’ll find it’s really not a big deal shuffling between buildings, To say it’s cold most of the year is really an exaggeration, and this winter we got very little snow.