<p>Hey guys, so basicallllyyyyy school was canceled today due to the storm in the Northeast and I woke up and checked my e-mail, and found one from UCLA that opened with
"We'd like to welcome you to UCLA!"</p>
<p>First reaction: what? </p>
<p>And then it goes on to talk about housing information...which I assume I wouldn't need unless I was admitted...</p>
<p>Also I guess I didn't get the letter because of the storm? Not sure though.</p>
<p>Did everyone get this or just the admits?</p>
<p>They sent out emails saying the decisions are online a few days ago, but it might be in your spam folder. I know mine was.
Regardless, check your admissions status here:<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/applicant/decision/[/url]”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/applicant/decision/</a> </p>
<p>I’m assuming you were accepted though, I have no idea why they would send you the housing email if you weren’t.</p>
<p>Check your admission status on the link the previous poster provided. Most admitted students found out on Friday. The actual paper letter will arrive by snail mail eventually.</p>
<p>Oh thanks yeah I guess all my e-mails went to Spam 
But I got in!!! WOOT !!!</p>
<p>Thanks for clarifying!</p>
<p>I don’t think I received the paper letter until more than a week later, and I live in LA, very close to campus.</p>
<p>I remember when I found out I was admitted to LA. Housing emailed me on the same day that admissions decisions were released. The email about logging in to check my account and the housing email was several hours apart at best. UCLA Housing acts fast. :D</p>