<p>I remember reading this article about gov school kids getting special preference when applying. Anyone have a link to the article?</p>
<p>I went to gov school and got accepted, but I don’t have that link…</p>
<p>are you referring to the pennsylvania governor’s schools?</p>
<p>no factual proof, but i do know a lot of people here who went to pa gov schools…</p>
<p>Oh really…never knew that haha. i went to gov school and got accepted. But I know people who went to gov school and got deferred</p>
<p>I went to gov school and got accepted, too. I think it helps, but I doubt there is actually “special preference.”</p>
<p>yeah I went to PGSIST – any PGSISTers out there? – and I got in. I think it’s just considered a great EC/Award and not really a shoo-in influence.</p>
<p>It’s probably a correlation-not-causation thing. The Pennsylvania Governor’s Schools are high-quality and free, so they are very competitive to get into. Penn takes a lot of kids from Pennsylvania. The strong students from Pennsylvania Penn takes are likely to have been good candidates for a Gov School slot, if they wanted it. So . . . lots of Gov School alumni at Penn, without it really meaning that much.</p>
<p>the students who get accepted by gov schools tend to be great students anyway. the only maybe exception would be PGSA (gov school for the arts) which doesn’t evaluate an applicant on academics.</p>
<p>i’m a PGSA govie from 2007 (but am 2013 at Penn). i doubt there are many of us out there since most of the kids who went to PGSA 07 are already in college…</p>
<p>are there any PGSA 2007 or 2008 govies here?! PM ME!!!</p>
<p>Except PGSA is by far the most competitive of the Gov Schools to get into, so lots of the kids have a lot going for them. My kid has friends from PGSA (2004) at Columbia, Harvard, and Carleton, and a whole bunch at Carnegie-Mellon. (I don’t think she knows anyone from PGSA at Penn, but she has so many ex-classmates of one sort or another at Penn it’s hard to keep track of where they came from.)</p>
<p>JHS, your post made me really happy.
i guess the thing with PGSA kids is that those of us who do not choose to pursue an art in college go to really, really good schools because not only do we tend to be good students, but we also have other talents that make adcoms love us.
so far i know of one govie from my year (07) who’s at penn, and she’s in huntsman.</p>
<p>but all govies are great :)</p>
<p>I’m a PGSHC n i got in but i also no plenty who also got in n plenty who got deferred but no one rejected</p>