<p>Hi everyone, I'm a hopeful grade 10 student wanting to get into an Ivy League school, most preferably Upenn.
I just have a question about GPA's.
What classes are taken for the GPA (academics only and no electives?) and how would I calculated it according the Ivy League scales. My average in my academic classes+2nd language class is 95%.</p>
<p>It depends on your school. Some use a 100 point scale and some use the 4.0 scale. I don’t think that Ivies “scale” it, they just understand each scale and probably understand how the two compare…but I may be mistaken…I doubt that anyone except someone on the adcoms would really know though since the admissions process is kept very confidential.</p>
<p>I don’t think they actually convert into GPA. They will look at the scale your counselor gives (86+ = A) and will put that into context with your class rank and standardized scores (SAT and provincial exams in your case). Your average looks fine, but the higher the better obviously because the Canadian 100% scale is very fine and easy to differentiate. I know they will look at all marks including electives, but it is possible they will have less weight than, for example, mandatory math and science classes.</p>
<p>A major plus is if you are from a well-known school because it gives more weight to your marks. May I ask for your school details? I’m from BC as well =]</p>
<p>GPA is relative, rank is what is important. Whether your school officially ranks or not.</p>