gpa calculations

<p>I find that other people's gpa greatly differs from mine an I want to know how it will affect college chances to selective colleges. My weighted is a 3.7 and weighted 4.02. I find that many people have lower unweighted gpa but have higher weighted than me. me For example someone may have a 3.6 weighted but a 4.1 I don't understand how this works. Are the people miss calculating their gpa? Because I feel disadvantaged. disadvantaged. Will it hurt my college chances when someone has lower weighted by higher weight?</p>

<p>Colleges don’t really look at weighted GPA because weighting methods (i.e. how much more honours/AP classes are worth) vary so much by school (there’s a thread in High School Life about this, but I’m too lazy to find it right now). Some schools don’t even weight! They usually look at your highschool transcript and recalculate your GPA based on that. So no, your school’s weighting methods don’t disadvantage you.</p>

<p>BUT keep in mind that it’s very important to take a rigorous courseload, as selective colleges look at that. So if you end up with a lower weighted GPA because you took fewer honours/APs then that may disadvantage you based on how many of those courses your school offers (colleges expect you to take the most rigorous courseload available to you, but if your school only offers 1 AP, then that’s what they expect of you).</p>