
<p>is it really hard to get GPA 3.7 or higher in purdue?? i mean
i guess its really hard in every colleges but.. i heard that purdue classes are
harder than other university (except ivys)
i have to graduate with GPA 3.7 or higher every..year because
if i can't, i have to go back to.. S.korea haha well..
i got in to pennstate and purdue.
where should i go??</p>

<p>I think the difficulty of getting good grades would depend on your major, as well as all the obvious things (aptitude and work ethic). My niece is graduating this spring with a 4.0, although not in an engineering major. She’s bright, but I think mostly she figured out early on not to procrastinate.</p>

<p>I’m biased but I would say go to Purdue. </p>

<p>If your going for Engineering then it is hard to get even a 3.0+ GPA. As PinotNoir’s niece you have to not procrastinate. You got to study when you need to and do your homework. One key tip is to NOT SKIP CLASS. This is one thing I regret doing, if you skip ONE class you will want to skip MORE classes. This is not a joke, you may not believe me when you read this but when you start skipping classes you will notice what I’m saying. Take advantage of study groups, Math Center, Physics Help Lab, and tutors when necessary. Of course take advantage of your professor’s office hours if you don’t understand anything. If you do all this I’m sure you will do quite well and be happy. Purdue also has a lot of Korean students and I know this since I’m Korean myself.</p>

<p>go to penn state. it’s a better school overall even though purdue’s engineering is slightly better.</p>

<p>ive seen a list indicating that pennstate international student section got a very low point, as in a perspective of an international student pennstate may not be very good</p>

<p>i am majoring ENGINEERING…</p>

<p>so its impossible to get above 3…???
um… damn;;; hahaha i should go pennstate then…</p>

<p>I didn’t say it’s impossible. You just got to do your work then you’d be fine. Don’t think college classes will just hand you a plate of A’s for just going to class. You got to earn your grades obviously. I know a few people who actually have 4.0’s in Honors Engineering too. One of them is my fraternity brother so yeah. If you just split your time correctly and do what you have to whenever then you’d be fine.</p>

<p>thank you… i’ll try hard</p>

<p>I’d say that 3.7+ is hard for most majors but definitely possible.</p>

<p>^ unless your liberal arts haha</p>

<p>seriously…gettin a 3.7 in engineering at any college is very very hard…you’ll probably be top 5% of your class if not better…this isn’t hs anymore where half the class has above a 3.7 lol</p>

<p>dang… i’m so worried now haha</p>