<p>I am going to be a 4th year at UC Berkeley and it's getting to be that time where I contemplate grad school. Generally what kind of stats are needed to get in (and I'm not talking law or medical). Specifically, UC Berkeley's Social Cultural Anthropology Grad program.</p>
<p>Essentially, I'm just looking for general info, but anything more specific would be appreciated. I'd obviously love to stay at Berkeley for Grad School, but I realize how hard that must be so what stats are good for other programs like other UC's, etc.</p>
<p>Also, how much do you think having my grades at Berkeley impacts my chances as opposed to a student that went to a "less prestigious" school.</p>
<p>May I ask why you haven't discussed this with your advisor?</p>
<p>It seems that many of the questions on this board of this flavor would be better answered by the student's advisor, who is more familiar with your accomplishments and specific institutions than any of us are. If you want to go to UCB for grad school, particularly, and you have an advisor at UCB, that's the place to go.</p>
<p>I'm not being snide, BTW, but the undergrad advisor is your first stop.</p>
<p>oh you're definitely correct, it's just summer and I'm looking for any info I can get easily right now. I'll definitely speak to an advisor during the school year</p>