Grad school housing connection

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I've made a decision to attend Duke this fall (Cell and Molecular Biology) and now I have started planning the move down to Durham from Pittsburgh in August. I figured a lot of other people on here are probably in the same boat, so I thought I'd set up a thread to find a roommate or place to live if you're moving to get a PhD.</p>

<p>While on a housing tour during Duke's interview weekend, I found the perfect apartment complex. It's a 2br/2ba apartment and rent would be $440/person plus utilities. Is anyone else moving to Durham to attend Duke that would potentially like to share an apartment?</p>

<p>If anyone is interested, feel free to PM and I can give the details.</p>

<p>Hi Rastatay, I am bringing my own roommate with me but I would love to talk about good areas in the triangle to live. I am so intimidated to move to a place where crime is described as being a “block by block” problem. This is very different from everywhere I lived where crime and poverty are in specific neighborhoods only. What specific complexes are you looking at?</p>

<p>Use CraigsList or your school’s off-housing boards- much faster to find a roommate than CC boards. Sounds slightly sketchy but no different than CC! :)</p>