<p>Is anyone else nervously awaiting finding out their semester/quarter grades?</p>
<p>So, far I know I have an A in one three credit class and two one credit classes, leaving 16 credits that I have no idea about. </p>
<p>With one one credit class, I have no reason to believe that I'm not getting A but haven't heard either way.</p>
<p>With two four credit classes, I'm in range for an A but not sure (in each case, over 25% of the grade TBD going into the final).</p>
<p>With one three credit class, there's a fairly good chance I'm getting an A (excellent feedback all semester), but there could always be something I don't know about...</p>
<p>With one three credit class, no feedback or grades received all semester, so I really have NO idea how I'm doing.</p>
<p>With one one credit, I just have no idea.</p>
<p>Anyone else waiting anxiously?</p>
<p>I get anxious as well… every morning I’m like a kid on christmas and check the internet to see if my grades have come.</p>
<p>I’m so anxious it’s not even funny. I know some of my final grades (I calculated my averages based on how things are scored; e.g. 50% final exam, 25% midterm, 20% quizzes, etc.), which is easing the tension, but still the more qualitative grades, e.g. English, you can never be completely sure about. What kills me is that we don’t have the option to view them until next FRIDAY, yet we get a notification telling us when all of our grades have been turned in… and I got that yesterday. It’s killing me knowing that they are RIGHT THERE, and that I just can’t access them! AHHHHHHHH!!! I’m going to go get drunk now. Later!</p>
<p>Wow, you guys are way more obsessive than I was. I never calculated my final grades but just made some guesses. You’re going to burn yourselves out if you’re going to be like this throughout college <em>shakes head</em> College is way more than numbers.</p>
<p>I already got back 5 of my 6 grades, and I’m expecting an A from the last one, so my waiting/worrying is pretty much over. Once I get done with the final, I don’t worry too much anyways, because everything you can do is already done; it’s out of your hands.</p>
<p>I’ve gotten 3/4. I was very happy with one, and not too happy with the other two. They weren’t bad at all, but I expected much more from myself. As for the final grade, I’m expecting an A, but with everything that has happened, I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t get one.</p>
<p>man, i remember how much i got on CC last year during finals just to write in and complain about how stressed out i was and how much i was afraid that i’d get a B in such-n-such class… haha, now i’m on here again, even though i’ve transfered to my dream university and have no intention of applying to grad school.</p>
<p>the pressure from myself to get straight-A’s never goes away!!! : p
whatever good luck to any of you guys who still have finals!</p>
<p>Oh, trust me I have more than numbers to my college life (internship, job, sorority, campus clubs, research), but I really want to go to grad school, so grade are important, particularly in two of my classes this semester–if I get A’s in them, I could potentially place out of them in grad. school. And I’ve been figuring out my pre-final grades since junior high (now a junior in college).</p>
<p>I never bother calculating exact grades before I get back the final grade, but I roughly know what my grades are during a given period. So far I’ve gotten back 1 out of 5 grades and I got an A in a history class that I started the semester with a B.</p>
<p>I tend to finish strong in most of my classes, so I try not to worry about things until everything is over.</p>