Grade anxiety

A couple of suggestions:

  1. Think about the worst case scenario. What happens if you get an F on the test? Or you fail the class? Or get a C? There’s a ding on your report card, you may need to study more, if it becomes a pattern you may not be able to get into a highly rejective college, whatever. But then, the bad stuff stops. You still have excellent grades, so lots of colleges are going to want you, including for ABET-accredited EE. And you’ll move on with your life.

  2. Find other things that bring you joy. Maybe it’s playing basketball with others in your neighborhood. Maybe it’s reading science fiction. Maybe it’s planting and maintaining a vegetable garden. Maybe it’s hanging with your friends and watching movies. Whatever it is, it provides time for you not to be constantly focused on the grades. The less time you’re thinking about your grades, the lower your anxiety may go.

The post below is one of my favorite ones that I’ve read on CC. I don’t know if you’re so focused on your grades because you want to go to an “elite” college. But in case that’s part of your drive for perfection, I think this is really good reading to think about what’s going to matter when you’re in college and once you’re out of it. These are things that may influence what kind of school you choose and also perhaps alleviate some of the pressure you feel. Even if it doesn’t, I think it is fabulous reading.