<p>Need rebuttals and argument ideas. Please help! </p>
<p>So here is my situation,</p>
<p>I took calc during the winter intercession (6 weeks). I ended up with a 71.8 percent overall. According to the prof.'s syllabus, a 75%+ ensures a C anything between 70-75% "may receive a D if I feel they did not put forth adequate effort. Also any student who does not score at least a 60% on final will receive a D." </p>
<p>I scored a 65% on the final, perfect attendance, and 95% on homework (she drops lowest 8 homework btw). And she dropped the lowest test score and replaces it with my final</p>
<p>Before you quickly pass me off as a slacker, I have a 3.8 gpa on all course besides math. Math isn't my strong suit. In addition my mother (only working family member) lost her job during the intercession and that placed a lot of stress on me. </p>
<p>So here's the tricky bit,</p>
<p>I want a C so that my transfer admission acceptance doesn't get rescinded. She is determined to give me a D.</p>
<p>As a compromise she offered me a retake on the final. I accepted thinking it would be basic demonstration of calc knowledge. However she gave me a tricky and difficult final and I ended up with a 60%, I needed an 80% to pass. </p>
<p>I argued on the "adequate effort" part on being vague. She said that was for students who started bad but redeemed themselves at the end (which is bs i think). I should fulfill the adequate effort requirement because of my near perfect hw and attendance, which showed that I tried. This is my main argument.</p>
<p>I also told her about my situation with my mom and my acceptance. She said she couldn’t grade based on circumstances. Which I understand but couldn't the same thing be said about people with disabilities? They get special treatment. Not trying to be ignorant just an observation. </p>
<p>So after reading this any possible new arguments that I can make against her?</p>
<p>I have filed a formal grade appeal, which would go through the vice president and president and eventually the board of trustees.</p>
<p>Thanks for helping fellow CCers.</p>