Grade curves for Macro/Micro economics?!

<p>Is it like physics where a 60% will grant you a 5?</p>

<p>or are the grade curves deadly due to the level of difficulty of the exam?</p>

<p>bumpie!! ...</p>

<p>Microeconomics - 1995:</p>

<p>5 - 65-90
4 - 50-64
3 - 41-49
2 - 26-40
1 - 00-25</p>

<p>Macroeconomics - 2000:</p>

<p>5 - 71-90
4 - 54-70
3 - 42-53
2 - 28-41
1 - 00-27</p>

<p>Not the most generous of the AP score conversions, but the tests are easy.</p>

<p>mac curve is pretty tough.</p>

<p>wow thanks so much! 71% doesn't seem too bad?</p>

<p>unless the free-response markers have horrendous grading rubrics.</p>

<p>65% and a 71%...
man, they're nice!</p>

<p>That's actually 72% and 79% since there are 90 points, not 100. The multiple choice is nothing but a big vocabulary test and counts for 2/3, so if you ace that you're well on your way to a 4 or 5.</p>

<p>a vocabulary test?! im_blue... what do you mean?</p>

<p>bump, ya what do u mean</p>

<p>There is very little actual problem solving on the multiple choice. It's essentially regurgitation of information like an AP history exam, only with very few things to learn. A prep book should prepare you well for the multiple choice, and the FRQs usually just require you to write out explanations, which is essentially defining the vocabulary you've learned.</p>