Grade Improvement?

<p>Last year my grades weren't so great (3.4 GPA)
This is year I have perfect grades and if I can maintain them for another 2 weeks I will have a 4.0 for first quarter. </p>

<p>Will admissions look at my last year's grades as just "not good"? Or are they more concerned with improvement?</p>

<p>i've heard both sides. i've heard that boarding schools really like to see improvement and at the same time they would like you to have a consistent 4.0 i wouldn't be too concerned about that part specifically. after all, there are many other processes to admissions</p>

<p>as long as you aren't fluctuating like crazy. like 3.0 this quarter 4.0 next quarter. it would drive admissions insane to watch that lol</p>

<p>they don't look at the GPA though. they look at the actual grades. or else it's entirely unfair for students in which the schools follow a more rigorous/less rigorous system or one that does not have a GPA system at all (and there are many of these)</p>

<p>don't worry, as long as you show improvement, not dramatic declines, i doubt they'll go OH NO LET'S NOT ADMIT THIS PERSON</p>

<p>My school didn't even have a GPA system. I don't think they actually matter much, they probably concentrate on the grades themselves.
Just get good teacher recommendations!</p>