Grade inflation or deflation at Pomona?

<p>I know Pomona is an excellent, top liberal arts college. I am certain it is excellent for students of pre-med or pre-law. but the reality is that for applicants to top professional schools, GPA is very important. Does anyone know if Pomona has grade inflation, deflation or just average?</p>

<p>Gradeinflation dot com has data on grade inflation at many schools. Here’s the link to the Pomona data:
[Pomona</a> College](<a href=“]Pomona”>Pomona College)
In summary, 2007 avg. GPA was 3.51, compared with 3.36 in 1997, 3.10 in 1977 and 2.92 in 1967.
Far more relevant for professional school placement would be to get data on law school and med school admissions rates. Most colleges provide that information, though you need to understand if the college collects stats on all applicants, or just those who the college “supports.” (Some colleges will only “support” a med-school applicant who has a GPA over 3.X, while other colleges support anyone who wants to apply.)</p>

<p>Thanks. I found the web site really helpful.</p>

<p>Grades are inflated in the sense that lots of people get high marks; but a lot of the time this is reflective of a wide base of students in each class who develop a mastery of the material.</p>

<p>FWIW, Pomona ‘supports’ all applicants (regardless of GPA), if you do manage to get a look at med school data.</p>

<p>All I know is that Pomona does tremendously well with grad school admissions. We literally rival the Ivies.</p>

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