Grade Inflation?

<p>Is there grade inflation at CC?</p>

<p>Years ago the LA Times did a study of how Berkeley’s Boalt Law School adjusted for grade inflation at applicants’ colleges. Unfortunately, Colorado College did not appear in the 1997 report. However, in general, Boalt admission added points to GPAs from selective private universities and LACs, subtracted points from directional state university GPAs, and accepted flagship state university GPAs without adjustment. Schools given a GPA boost included some of CC’s peer colleges, such as Barnard, Bates, Colby, and Whitman. Apparently, the rationale for the adjustment was that students at some schools tended to have higher LSAT scores relative to GPAs, compared to applicants from other schools.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think this is the kind of evidence you’d want to have before concluding that there is or is not grade inflation at Colorado College. You’d want to be able to compare average GPAs to a baseline of average MCAT, LSAT, or GRE scores at CC and other colleges. I would think such data is hard to come by.</p>

<p>On the website one can scroll down to the bottom and find the data for the trends re grade inflation at 235 schools. It is curious that Colorado College is not among the choices to click on.</p>