Grading Toughness

I got in Colorado College as transfer from Wesleyan, and I was wondering what the average GPA for the current graduating class is. Colorado College isn’t listed on, and a high Wesleyan GPA seems to be the norm. I’d like to be a premed as well. Thanks

GPA is not a big concern here. In fact, CC avoids publicizing most of the statistics desired by Forbes, US News, etc. That said, there is definitely no grade inflation here. In most classes the cut-off for an A is 94% and that is no easy task.

I do not know if this provides any insight at all, but there is an Engineering Co-op program with Columbia University, which requires a 3.3 GPA for 3 years at CC in order to spend the last 2 years getting an Ivy League Engineering degree.

I will provide one observation which might lead observers to erroneously assume that high grades are doled out like Pez candy: In the Block Plan, both faculty and students have just one class to address each month. As a result, if a student is at risk for dropping below a C, the faculty and school make every effort to provide resources which will prevent them from falling into the GPA abyss. Do not mistake this statement; there are no free C’s to be had. Rather, students and faculty are committed to extra work which avoids grades of D and NC. Therefore, if a study were done that included CC, it might appear that there is some inflation.

An interesting comparison is that with Duke (my #2 choice behind CC.) Both CC and Duke are enjoying an application pool with much higher quality students. Still, the average GPA at Duke is now over 3.5 and while there is no concrete data available for CC, I can assure you that the average GPA of any of my classes or my dorm is not 3.5. CC concentrates on true learning, not grade inflation techniques.