Grades after you are admitted

<p>Just looking much do grades matter after grad schools have accepted you. My grades in the past have been all right but I've just been having a really really rough time this semester (senior year fall term) and believe that there might be a biggish drop in my grades this term (eg going from all As and Bs to mostly Bs and possibly a few Cs).</p>

<p>i “forgot” to submit my final transcript and they haven’t caught on yet … i’m a second-year PhD student now :)</p>

<p>I think all that really matters for most programs is that you actually do graduate.</p>

<p>Hey bionerd, I’m in the same boat. 3.83 until Inorganic and a particularly nasty lab this semester (the AI for which thinks writing “Isopods strongly prefer wet environments, and prefer dark environments to a lesser extent” instead of “Isopods prefer wet environments…the end” is “overanalyzing this simple experiment” and merits an F on the paper). After Biochem and my final lecture/lab combo I’ll probably emerge at graduation with a 3.6. Meh. My potential schools probably don’t care as much about GPA as they do experience and whatnot anyhow. As long as I stay above 3.5 and don’t screw up too badly (e.g. fail a class I need to graduate) I don’t think there will be adverse consequences.</p>

<p>Yes, exactly tkm256; I am also getting killed by my chemistry courses.</p>