Grades fine, ECs weak?

Ok, I’m a freshman in a pretty small school, all honors classes, electives more STEM oriented. I actually don’t know GPA/class rank, freshman, but I’m worried about ECs, I want to become a biologist but my real passion lies in art. So, I’m in the color guard (varsity sport) and winter guard, I’m learning music theory/percussion and I’m working on crew for the drama club. I volunteer at an art museum/library and I’m a writer. Im part of several clubs… I’m not competitive enough and I have no idea what kinds of colleges I can expect. I’ll be taking Bio SAT II and online summer classes. I’m also very torn; this year I took some classes in STEM fields that I ended up despising and I’m considering joining the band/taking music theory. Art is what I love but I want to become a biopsychologist. I have a 4.2ish GPA right now and I fully intend to stay in the honors program for the rest of my high school career. I’m also a transgender male, something that’s going to make high school tough. What kind of colleges can I expect to get into without super competitive extracurriculars, I haven’t won any awards, done any extracurricular competitions? What can I expect?

You’re a freshman; you still have time to consider other ECs.

Firstly: Applause to all rainbows (coming from an ace bi/pan/poly(idrk)romatic) I have several wonderful AFAB friends and an agender friend and it’s hard for them but they’re all lovely people
Secondly: Join the Class of 2019 thread!
Thirdly: Dude, you’re a freshman!

Fourthly(?): Your ECs are fine. If you want, you can find some way to tie in art and biology and make something wonderful out of it.

Don’t sacrifice the ECs you want to do for any college. College is about nurturing holistic, effective, social members of the community. If you feel you have to not do something you want to do to go to a college, it’s probably not the right place for you, even if you do want to do bio. A good college that you’ll like will surely appreciate your skills, in fact a well-rounded person is what they want. Anyway, you have a couple years. There’s no telling where your interests will go, just let them go where they will.