<p>I am an A- student and I was accepted to Cornell ED. What kinds of grades do I need to maintain for the rest of the year? Do you think B's and B-'s will cut it?</p>
<p>No. Study up.</p>
<p>I was told that a B average second semester senior year would suffice (a B-/B+ shows up as a B on my transcript as the final grade of the semester). I mean, I understand perhaps we should maintain very strong grades for first semester (considering the Mid-Year reports), but a B average second semester still doesn’t cut it?</p>
<p>B+ should be fine.</p>
<p>I would say not less than a B+ to be safe.</p>
<p>A B- will raise eyebrows.</p>
<p>Besides, do you really want to develop bad work habits before starting at Cornell?</p>
<p>are they going to look at the grades for each of our classes or our overall GPA?</p>
<p>Congrats on getting in! :D</p>
<p>even though you were accepted ED, that does not mean that you application is complete and that you are entirely accepted. you are not technically done with your application until you send in that final grade report at the end of the year. that being said, please dont slack off just because you are already in your choice school. continue to work hard and be the student that was accepted. plus, why would you want to end your high school career with less than stellar grades? a B or even a B- or a C will not get your application rescinded, but im sure that Ds will. study hard for those AP exams (i got 15 credits from mine!) so that it relieves some class requirements (usually elective requirements) when youre here. yes, being accepted does assuage a LOT of stress and pressure (and allow for bragging rights ) but that doesnt give you the okay to contract a lethal case of senioritis. finish the year strong so you can be proud of yourself leaving X high school and starting your life as a cornellian</p>
<p>thanks for that advice. yeah i was more just wondering that if i have a b- or two if that could get my acceptence revoked</p>
<p>No, but a few Cs or a D would get you in trouble.</p>
<p>I got Cs and Bs my seconds semester of senior year and nothing happened. However, I was accepted RD and that might make a difference. Cayugared has a point though, it has been a struggle for me to unlearn all the bad habits of senioritis since I arrived at Cornell. So keep those grades up, or at the very least, try to not learn any bad studying habits.</p>
<p>More important than study habits, however, is the opportunity to earn AP/IB credit. The study habits are just a bonus, and you will probably need to hit the ground running lest you wake up in October of your freshmen year and realize that you have dug yourself into a pretty deep hole.</p>
<p>Yeah, I was worried about this as well. I have always gotten A’s and A-'s in honors and AP classes and was accepted to CAS ED. But this year I’m taking 5 AP classes, and I’m really struggling in AP Calc. I think i’ll probably get a B- overall. Besides that, I’ll probably get A-'s and 1 B. Would that cause Cornell to rescind my letter of acceptance. My teacher knows that I’m trying really hard but I just can’t seem to pull up my grade.</p>
<p>I don’t think one B, especially in AP Calc, one of the hardest AP courses, will pose any problems. Just try your hardest and good luck in calc!</p>
<p>Just concentrate on the courses you want to do well in, and just take it chill in other classes and squeeze on B’s and A’s. Not hard. </p>
<p>I’m sure a C won’t matter either. Your GPA doesn’t change drastically at all so your fine. </p>
<p>Let the senioritis begin…I mean, the friggen Cornell ED page says “let the senioritis begin” …</p>