<p>In intro level science courses like chemistry, physics, and biology how much do the professors typically curve on a exam at your school?</p>
<p>Fwee.... that's like asking what color is a college professor's hair, typically...</p>
<p>It reeeeally varies from class to class and from professor to professor. Just like every prof writes their tests differently, every prof curves their tests differently. Some use a curve, some don't, some add a typical number of points, some like a bell curve distribution... As many professors as I've had, I've seen just as many different ways of grading a class.</p>
<p>my physics is absolute - a=90+, a-=80+ and so on, my math is curved to b-, and so on and so forth...</p>
<p>in general, though, a lot of schools aim for a B- average.</p>