Graduate School in Conducting for a Student at a School with No Conducting Opportunities

Hey all!

I feel the post title is pretty clear. I have decided that I want to pursue conducting in graduate school and as a career. Most programs, however, require prescreening videos of rehearsing and performing with an ensemble.
Those opportunities are not at my school, which offers a decent opportunity for those studying vocal or instrumental performance, composition, or the more academic sides of music.
What can I do or what have others done in the past? My school’s only foray into conducting for undergraduates is a single conducting class that is an elective for music majors.
I still have two years to go, here (maybe one and a half for applications) and I am confident in my foreign language abilities, primary instrument abilities, and in both score analysis and score identification. I just do not know where to look for any practical experience beyond the one class that I will be taking next fall.

I look forward to hearing your or someone you know’s past experiences. I could really use some guidance on this.

There are summer conducting programs you can attend - I know Bard offers one. You can also start your own ensemble and begin conducting immediately to build up your skills and resume. You could also see if you can get private conducting lessons.

See if you can take the class that is offered. Go talk to the prfessor who teaches it for ideas. See if you can team up with a local group to study and get some practice with them.