<p>Hi everyone! I'm an int'l student to a graduate program in the USA. My classes are yet to start. I want to know how easy it is to make a transfer to a better college after one semester of study in this one.</p>
<p>Many students change universities after completing their Masters degree. However it is very unusual to transfer from one graduate program to another in the middle of the Masters program, or in the middle of a PhD project after completing the Masters. The only students who I have ever known who did that were students who followed their advisors to a different university when the advisor changed universities.</p>
<p>If you are unhappy with the university that you are currently scheduled to attend, it would be better for you to decline admission for this year, and reapply for next year.</p>
<p>We have had M.S. students in the Physics program at Illinois Institute of Technology transfer to other universities for a Ph.D. either after the M.S. or after the first year on occasion. I am not sure that they always transferred to a “better program” but it was a Ph.D. instead of a M.S.</p>