Graduating college senior in need of advice...

<p>Double major or major/minor....</p>

<p>I'm currently enrolling for my last semester , for the fall of 2010, and am debating on what would look better for applying for jobs, grad school maybe etc. My primary major is in communication studies. My choices are the following:</p>

<p>1st choice:Double Major
B.A in Communication studies- Media and a
B.A in English - language, linguistics, and rhetoric.</p>

<p>2nd Choice: Major and double minor
B.A in Communication studies- Media.
Minor(s) in English and Journalism. </p>

<p>I've already finished my English minor thanks to free electives, and basically am deciding on whether I should pursue the the english major or the journalism minor. I'm enrolling for classes and trying to get things figured out. I guess its down to what looks better, or would be better for me in the future. Let me know what you think. </p>

<p>Thanks so much for any advice.</p>

<p>It depends on what you want to do in the future - what kind of job you want or what you want to be going to grad school for.</p>

<p>The double major will probably give you more flexibility. Book publishers often like to see an English major. Also, if you decide to go to grad school, you could choose from either field if you double. I’m not sure what advantage a journalism major would give you that an English degree wouldn’t . JMHO</p>