Graduating early from high school

<p>I am currently a junior in high school looking into graduating early. I understand the pros and cons, this is only asking if it's still possible. The only credit I need to graduate is 1 credit of english because I need four years of a core english class. I have taken 1 extra credit of elective english (creative writing and mythology) but it doesn't count at my school. </p>

<p>If i wanted to start college this fall, would it be possible to take my english credit over the summer or is it too late? I know I should have started thinking about this about a year ago, but I didn't realize I only needed one more credit. I want to major in engineering at Michigan State University and I have the grades and ACT scores to get in. This is more about not wasting a year when I could be continuing my education. There isn't any classes in my high school that I would really benefit from taking that I haven't already taken.</p>

<p>I don't mean to be rude, but I don't need the lecture on how I'm too young and I should continue to my senior year. I just would like to know if it's still an option to consider or if I'm too late and it isn't possible anymore. My parents are supportive, but I have a very poor counselor. I am going to talk to her, but I have a feeling she is going to tell me no so she doesn't have to deal with the paperwork and extra work. </p>

<p>Any advice or information regarding this process would be greatly appreciated</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>This question has been asked many times. I think if you search on this forum, you can get some good advice. What you’re proposing isn’t unheard of. But, as you surmise, some extra hurdles lay in your path. Make sure you call MSU and hear from them what their process is for intaking students like yourself. Good luck.</p>

<p>Maybe look into taking the extra english credit at a local community college. This will allow you to complete it without having to deal with school counselors and stuff. And I’m not sure if MSU is still taking apps. If not some schools will let you apply late for spring semester (so spring 2015). This will allow you to get to college faster, even if it isn’t in fall. Best of luck</p>

<p>You won’t get your high school diploma until you complete the class. Many schools will allow you to ‘graduate’ and then complete the class, but it won’t be official until you do. Will Michigan State accept you for this fall on a contingent basis? (Probably not).</p>

<p>It’s too late if you haven’t applied at colleges already. </p>

<p>Personally, I would not graduate early. There are pros and cons on both sides of the table, but really it’s better just to graduate with the rest of your class. Though you may have enough credits to satisfy the minimums, you would do well to take more advanced classes.</p>

<p>My son is applying for admission to engineering schools this fall even though he is only in his 3rd year of high school. Our experience is really mixed. He has excellent grades and test scores and has been accepted at 3 public universities including Penn State and Univ. of Pittsburgh. However his application may not be considered in top colleges like CMU or Cornell because he doesn’t have enough science classes (Biology and Chemistry). He couldn’t fit in more classes since he had to finish the required ones to graduate this June. I really feel that he would have benefited in staying for one more year in high school. With his grades and stats he would have been competitive in his dream schools (Cornell and CMU). But he has to graduate early because of personal reasons so we just have to do our best.</p>

<p>I don’t know if you can go to college without the credit, but if I were you I would look into online class.</p>