Graduating High School Early?

Hey guys,

I am currently a sophomore right now (enrolled in an early college high school with DC), but by the end of this semester (Spring 2017) I will have 20 credits (mixed dual credit and high school work). Here in Texas it takes 26 for graduation and my school identifies people with 19 credits and up as seniors. Also, I heard around my classmates that my school forces you to graduate if you are senior by credit and not by year so basically forcing me to graduate in Spring of 2018 not my year of 2019.

Classes I will have completed by the end of Spring 2018: (A = first semester, B = second semester) one letter = 0.5 credits

English/ Foreign Language (need 6 credits): English I AB, English II AB, English III AB, and Spanish II AB- 4 credits
(Needed: English IV AB)

Math (need 4 credits): Algebra I AB, Geometry AB, Algebra II AB, Pre-Cal A- 3.5 credits
(Needed: Pre-Cal B) (For AS need Cal I and II)

Science (need 4 credits): Biology AB, Chem AB- 2 credits
(Needed: Physics AB and 4th Year Science AB) (For AS also need another DC science class)

History (need 4 credits): World Geo AB, World Hist. AB, U.S. Hist. AB, Govt/Econ A- 3.5 credits
(Needed: Govt B)

Required Electives (need 2.5): Fine Arts A, P.E. A, Speech A- 1.5 credits
(Needed: Fine Arts B, PE B)

Electives (need 5.5): Elective AB, Elective AB, Elective AB, Elective AB, Elective A- 4.5 credits
(Needed: Elective AB)

Side notes: I can take DC classes for both my high school and my AS (Associates of Science).Graduation early will prevent me from getting my AS. I have not taken the SAT/ ACT yet. I have not started applying/ searching for colleges. I have not started on financial aid stuff yet and many other “senior and junior things”. Also, I am not emotionally and socially prepared to graduate a whole year early even though I have experienced college classes. I’m involved in several cubs and volunteer things but have not even started driving or working part- time yet.

So my questions here today are: Can a high school FORCE you to graduate early a year or semester early or CAN I drag out my classes out further to stay longer? Will graduating high school early will put me at a disadvantage considering class rank and other things? I know this sounds dumb but I wanted objective opinions and advice before talking to my counselor.

Thanks and have a great day!!!

You can just graduate early and do full time dual enrollment, no college will penalize you for that.

I would go talk to your principal or guidance counselor first to make sure it is actually true. My daughter is a junior in dual enrollment right now and needs 21 credits to graduate and will have 23 at the end of this year technically only needing one English class to completely fulfill high school graduation classes. Her high school has her taking a full 1st semester of dual enrollment classes her senior year (including English) and later a full 2nd semester.

If you graduate early you would have to matriculate at the college and would be considered a transfer student instead of a freshman when applying for 4 year schools. My daughter doesn’t pay anything for dual enrollment classes or books but not sure of your situation. If it is true I would recommend having your parents talk to the school as well.

Ok thanks will I ask, Thanks!