Graduating in Three Years?

<p>I'm interested in doing an MD/Ph.D program after I graduate with my Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. Come to think of it, if I graduate from UMiami in four years, I'd be in school for anywhere from 10 to 12 years (not including my residency/specializing). I was just wondering, given that I complete all required classes, do a significant amount of research programs during the summer, and score well on the MCAT, would Miami allow me to graduate in three years instead of four?</p>

<p>you need 120 undergrad hours to graduate…however long it takes to earn them</p>


<p>As an M.D., I can tell you that there’s no way right now that you can have any reasonable basis on which to think you want to do an M.D./PhD program. I mean really, you’re 18 y.o.? You’ve not had any exposure to college level science (AP’s are irrelevant), you’ve not spent hundreds of hours doing tedious research, and you’ve had no meaningful exposure to clinical medicine. </p>

<p>I LOVE your enthusiasm. It’s wonderful. But don’t get ahead of yourself. All this education is not vocational school. Miami is a college where you not only can get a good education, but where you can have a good time and make lifelong friends. Don’t rush through it, before you’ve even begun. These can and should be four wonderful years. Enjoy yourself. </p>

<p>^ I second Asleep !! Getting a BS in Biochemistry (with a GPA that you will need for Med. School) is not trivial in four years. I know I have one. MD PhD is extraordinarily hard and really only something you will achieve once you decide why and affirm what it will get you in life. Enjoy the next 4 years as it is the only time your life will be truly yours. After college you will be dictated by the framework of others, be it Grad school, Med school or a job.
Your passion is great so don’t loose it!</p>

<p>agree with asleep</p>