Graduation Rates at Top Engineering Schools

<p>Is anyone going to have "graduation rate" figure into their choice of college for engineering?</p>

<p>Some schools seem to be better than others in this regard.</p>

<p>Princeton 97%
Stanford 93%
MIT 91%
Cornell 90%
CalTech 85%
Gatech 68%</p>

<p>those don't look like 4 year graduation numbers.</p>

<p>6 year graduation rates</p>

<p>Princeton 97%
Stanford 93%
MIT 91%
Cornell 90%
CalTech 85%
Gatech 68%</p>

<p>I don't see why it should be factored in when choosing a school. Some have grade inflation and/or are less rigorous than others. This would increase graduation rates, but it wouldn't make the school any better.</p>

<p>Choose based on academic exellence and prestige (if that's important to you).</p>

<p>i think it is pretty important to look at graduate rate. for one, it is highly indicative of the support that student gets, another thing is grade inflation. Grade inflation is great if i were a high sschool student. especially at top schools like pton and stanford.</p>

<p>Michigan engineering 6 year graduation rate is 71%, but u have to take into consideration that they count the people who originally were engineers in freshman year and then transferred to liberal arts majors. it happens pretty often in engineering.</p>

<p>What's so great about grade inflation? Grad schools know about it and many employers don't care about GPA.</p>

<p>I believe Grade Inflation occurs most commonly in Liberal Art and Humanities courses, and very infrequently, if at all, in Engineering and the other Hard Sciences. </p>

<p>Happy to hear other, perhaps more informed, opinions on this.</p>

<p>Employers do care about GPA, if u goto career fairs, the first thing they ask is whether you have a good gpa. Many companies require 3.0+, google i think requires 3.5+. We all know Stanford in general has massive grade inflation, but there is probably very little in the engineering school. If you were a grad school admissions officer, would u admit someone from florida state with a 3.4 or someone from stanford with a 3.4? (even if you know there is grade inflation at stanford) btw, just in case you guys don't know this, none of the public schools have grade inflation.</p>

<p>what are 4 year graduation rates? what % of students graduates in 4 years? (same with idea with 6 years I'm assuming?)</p>

<p>That seems to imply that 15% of Caltech has been there for more than 6 years... I can imagine that's pricy.</p>

<p>is GA tech a good engineering school? What makes it so much more undesirable to attend than other enginnering schools? Is it the workload? Or is it the quality of life?</p>

<p>I get the impression GATech is a very good school that suffers from being a public institution in Georgia--that means they can't be terribly selective. It's hard to build a reputation for excellence when only 25% of your admits have SATs above 1430.</p>

<p>I have heard ancedotal evidence that the profs work the students pretty hard. My guess is that the top 5 to 10% of the class is pretty much equal to the best anywhere.</p>

<p>Other viewpoints out there? Anyone with direct knowledge?</p>

<p>I think it's unlikely that anyone who has not graduated in 6 years (from CalTech or any other school) will ever graduate from that school. They have probably transferred to a different school.</p>

<p>In CalTech's case, they are reknowned for a tough program and punishing workload. Apparently about 15% of the kids flame out and leave. </p>

<p>Generally, I would put any school below 90% in the High Risk category.</p>

<p>6 year graduation rates</p>

<p>Princeton 97%
Stanford 93%
MIT 91%
Cornell 90%
CalTech 85%
Gatech 68%</p>

<p>I added a few more schools</p>

<p>Generally, I would put any school below 90% in the High Risk category.</p>

<p>6 year graduation rates</p>

<p>Princeton 97%
Stanford 93%
Columbia 93%
Northwestern 93%
MIT 91%
Cornell 90%
CalTech 85%
Gatech 68%</p>

<p>no, for example at umich, many people switch out of engineering at the end or during their freshman year,these people are also counted toward the 29% that didn't graduate in 6 years.</p>

<p>Please give me a little more detail on your position.</p>

<p>"High Risk?" I don't understand. If you are competent enough to graduate from a certain school, then why should it matter if other students are or aren't? Why is it "High Risk" for you?</p>

<p>You are crossing off some great schools from your list. Berkeley, Caltech, Illinois, and Michigan all have graduation rates less than 90% but they are better than Princeton, Northwestern, or Columbia.</p>

<p>Gshine, if you go to Las Vegas and Slot Machine #1 pays jackpots 97% of the time and Slot Machine #2 pays jackpots 85% of the time, I know which one I'm playing?</p>

<p>I think that's a bad analogy. Everyone that plays a certain slot machine has the same chance of getting a jackpot. Person A and Person B both have a 97% chance at slot machine #1 and an 85% chance at slot machine #2.</p>

<p>On the other hand, a gradutaion rate of 85% doesn't mean that an individual at that school automatically has only an 85% chance of graduating. What it means is that 15% of the student body are not capable of graduating in six years. If you don't want to be part of that 15%, then work harder. A person's chance of graduation isn't random.</p>

<p>An incompetent student will fail regardless of whether he attends a school with a graduation rate of 97% or 85%.</p>