
<p>can someone make a short list of some of the types of critical reading strategies grammatix gives that big test prep companies dont?</p>

<p>Just buy the thing! It would violate their terms and conditions anyway.</p>

<p>i cant tell you what the strategies are but i will tell that it is definately worth buying</p>

<p>ok i dont really care anymore...but id like leave you with the question why can't anyone speak about grammatix but open discussion about joe bloggs from princeton review is entirely welcome?</p>

<p>Because you can find information about Joe Bloggs anywhere in the market. If we disclose strategies from Grammatix, there would be no reason to purchase this product, would there?</p>

<p>Grammatix isnt very helpful at all, really not worth your purchase, a lot of common sense and the essay advice is terrible</p>

<p>I say you just tell us the secrets of Grammatix!:)</p>

<p>grammatix is indeed a scam, i an actually speculating that the owner mike barett himself is making up fake alias names and posting wonderful comments about his book, makin us feel like its the ultimate remedy for our cr problems, and our essay</p>

<p>Yeah I agree. I mailed him a money order a few months ago, but he never sent the product. When I went to Western Union, the person behind the counter entered the check # and said it was cashed. So I don't know. I lost my money.</p>

<p>the "ebook" it self is not that great. they are just tips that anyone can figure out. COMMON sense... plus most of those strategies are similar to the ones from Princeton Review.</p>

<p>I would say though despite what I said if your scoring under a 700 on CR it is worth the purchase. Wasn't worth it for me since I am a "Natural Test Taker" but for most it is worth the money.</p>