<p>GRE Powerprep II is a software that contains two full-length tests. I took both full-length tests under actual test conditions, with only minimal studying, and here are my scores in these practice tests:</p>
<p>Practice test #1:</p>
<p>Practice test #2:</p>
<p>So they're IMO very similar scores. However, since I'm preparing for the GRE so that I can apply for physics PhDs somewhere down the road, I'm not sure whether analytic writing scores are used other than maybe schools at the very top and thus I didn't pay much attention to the Analytic Writing scores I could have with what I wrote in accordance to the prompts, themselves in the full-length tests contained in GRE Powerprep II.</p>
<p>Finally, other than the format, are the tests contained in GRE Powerprep II anywhere near what's in real GREs?</p>